Author: Hari Ram Narayanan
Genre: Fiction Fantasy
Publisher: Readomania publishing
I picked the book because of its title as it has the word "Adventure" in it and so I thought I should definitely give it a try. After reading the book I can say that the book is so adventurous that while reading you will feel like you are yourself moving around the jungle. Once I started to read there was no turning back. It kept me hooked until I finished the book.
Two nineteen-year-old boys travels through the jungle called 'Life' in search of the 'Happy Fruit'. They meet each other at the edge of the "jungle of life" where it was said that in the jungle at the peak of "Mount Goal" there is a tree and on it grows a fruit called "Fruit of true happiness". They were on a mission of getting to the Mount Goal. Both started together but the variations and differences led them to take different paths for the same goal. The main thing which we learn from the book is how the challenges are being tackled by the boys on their journey.
Basically what I learnt from the book is that we should find happiness within ourselves first rather than searching it somewhere else. Right now due to covid 19 we are unable to go out and all of us are sharing ideas about how to pass time while staying at home. So I would suggest you to read this book now and I am sure you will learn how to find happiness under the same roof too.
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