Book: ✨ DAUGHTER OF THE BROTHEL- Stories from Delhi's Red light district✨
Author: Deepak Yadav
Genre: Non fiction
Have you ever wondered how the transgender, prostitutes or the sexual workers feel? Why and how they got involved with all these? Why are they ignored and are not treated as a part of the society? What are the problems they face each and every day?
The author has tried and taken an attempt to change the mindset of people towards these women because they are nothing but human beings like us and they deserve respect and love equally.
Daughters of the Brothel by Deepak Yadav is a collection of various stories from Delhi's red light district, G.B. Road. He spent considerable amount of time there amidst those unprivileged people and shared with us everything he came across in the form of this wonderful book. I never thought and engaged myself thinking about that section of the society but the book made a great impact on me and changed my thoughts completely.
The book starts with a train journey where the narrator is in chat with a eunuch Sharmila. They both share each other's story and the story form the narrator's side goes in a flashback where he has met many sex workers from brothel.
Every story is heart touching and sensitive. However, what is common amongst all of their stories is injustice faced by them. The book is a must read for everyone in the society.
Please read the book.
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