AUTHOR: Ameya Bondre
Being an ardent fan of short stories I have a special corner for these type of books at my place and I must say among them, this is one of the best collection of stories I have read recently. 
The book consists of 11 beautifully  woven realatable short stories which deals with various certainties and uncertainties of life along with various emotions of love, friendship, hope,betrayal, wistfulness and much more. The complexity we face in our life is beautifully portrayed in few of these stories. Though the stories are fictional it will definitely grab your attention like a real one. Few of the stories made me delve inside the situation and forced me to think about it. I must say that the author has successfully introduced us with his thoughts and whatever  he intended to point out in this beautiful book.
The different stories in the book are: 
1. Distances 
2. Blinkers On
3. Dreams
4. A Regular Date
5. Chaos
6. Trapped
7. A Healthy Home
8. Not In The Dark
9. Long Lost
10. Deaf
11. A Frantic Call
Dreams and Trapped are my favourite ones.
Though the book is a short one with approx 190 pages, the emotions it holds stayed with me for longer time. Few of the stories really left an impact on me. If you want to step aside from heavy sci-fi books and thrillers and want something to read which is related to our daily life then you should definitely  go for it. Highly recommended. 



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